USACC welcomes you. We prefer to discuss any question about your document by phone rather than email, Please call us at (202) 468-4200.

Obtaining the stamp Of the U.S. Arab Chamber of Commerce in Qatar

Affixing Only The Stamp Of The Chamber For use in Qatar

USACC is officially recognized by "The Arab League" to affix the chamber stamp.

Products shipped to Qatar without the official stamp of the U.S. Arab Chambers may be held in customs until it is affixed. Also, most service/agency contracts require the USACC stamp in order to be registered at Arab chambers overseas. Every stamp has a unique number. Government officials may verify the authenticity of each stamp online.

The stamp fee is $35 per certificate. Same day service.

How many document do you have?

US Arab Chamber of Commerce Branches

USACC Head Office DC

1330 New Hampshire Ave, NW Suite B1, Washington, D.C. 20036

(202) 468 - 4200

USACC Maryland

1615 bay head road Annapolis,
MD 21409

(410) 349 - 1212